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Trishala and I co-founded Ainaa in 2019.

We curate in-person and online workshops for people from different walks of life and of all ages. Each gathering is unique, but always participative and experiential.

Requests for specific topics that you may want us to curate are most welcome. 


If you are a parent, caregiver, professional, educator, corporate executive, student, artiste, sportsperson, entrepreneur, group leader, team member, do reach out to us for reflection workshops.

Our Workshops


Mental Health Care & Sensitisation


Diversity & Inclusion


Team Building/ Working in teams


Exploring Hopes & Dreams


The Journey of a Group/Activity/Role

Snippets of our Sessions



At the workshop on hopes and dreams I was feeling good to be able to share things I had kept all to myself, learn many things on how to accept myself, and learn to feel how others feel. I appreciate all who attended for their time in sharing and helping too.



Trishala and Shaneel were mindful of making everyone in the group feel heard and comfortable. It was immensely productive and interactive. A wonderful experience. I am eager and enthusiastic to practice what I had reflected on. 


Professional & Parent

I have attended many workshops and have conducted quite a few. But this session facilitated by Shaneel and Trishala was an eye opener for me. It was an event of self-exploration, and unfolded various layers of emotions and expressions. 
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